Workplace Affairs – Dos & Don’ts

Noooo…. If you thought that by “affair”, I meant the relationship affairs at workplace, you’re probably scratching the left feet when right one is itching. I’m just about to spew some gibberish things that happen at the office. This is about the events and incidents that should concern no one and yet all your co-workers and a few extroverted administrative folks too get ignited. 

Why & How to Outsource Web Development?

Why & How to Outsource Web Development?

Take your time and think about it. 

Can outsourcing reduce your cost which could be used in prospect identification or market research? 
Will the quality of product that you deliver to your clients be compromised? 
Could you benefit from exploring a more affordable labor market? 

There can be a lot of questions if you really take the suggestion and sit down to ponder about the pros and cons of outsourcing your web development. But, here is one more question that I would like you to answer. 

Do you insist on paving your own path when you already have a smooth route to follow?